Food for thought

Design and illustration are often portrayed as desk work, and good service as being available on-demand. So in what’s both Creativity and Wellbeing Week and Mental Health Awareness Week, I’ve been thinking about the value of a screen break. The best design tutors I’ve taught with have a lot to … Read More

The baking of a podcast

Baking. That’s not on the list of things I do in my work… But Studio Snack, a five minute podcast series I’ve been cooking up with fellow designer Narcis Sauleda, brought up the subject of biscuit typography. Baking letterforms is an interesting exercise in itself – it makes you think about … Read More

A tiny challenge

Reporting in miniature… My late father and I had a standing joke: that his ideal scale to work at was the size of a building and mine was the size of a postage stamp. So he’d be laughing like a drain that I answered The Correspondence Collective’s open call for … Read More

120 and counting

Why personal projects matter…  I’m a big fan of making my own work as well as work for clients. Why? Well, think of it as an R&D playground. At the start of the London lockdown, working from home, I decided to report from my garden in place of my daily … Read More