Cover and two pages of the PDF edition of the Index Snapshot
Cutting through and developing design

The Corporate Digital Communications Index…… Read More

Wild City spread from the Salters' Company annual review printed edition
Design in the first person

The Salters’ Company annual review 2023/24… Read More

Kusuma Trust annual review cover
The bigger picture

Kusuma Trust annual review… Read More

Detail of drawn engagement wall at Cody Dock Summer event, showing its growing space
What makes a great space

Creative engagement at Cody Dock…… Read More

Sphere annual report 2023 cover
Sphere annual report 2023

We’re going to need a bigger report…… Read More

Sphere Theory of Change leaflet
Illustrating change

Collaborative design with Sphere…… Read More

Humanitarian Standards Partnership postcards
Communications on standards

Marketing materials for the Humanitarian Standards Partnership…… Read More

Drawing sound, gathering feedback

A comments wall at Cody Dock…… Read More

Nerd Nite Grawlix talk detail of title slise
Design on a comedy stage

Talks for Nerd Nite London…… Read More

Water, colour

A zine of garden stories…… Read More

Party sketching for The Trampery

Sketching on swing tags…… Read More

Bowen Craggs Index snapshot

Type as image; testing accessibility…… Read More

Sketching Wordstock

Drawing readings and writing…… Read More

JC Candanedo

Designing an artist’s book…… Read More

Consistency and the new

Kusuma Trust annual review…… Read More

Bromley-by-Bow Gasworks sketch and walk tours

Exploring heritage through sketching…… Read More

Bowen Craggs Measurement Playbook

Communication, explanation and presentation…… Read More

Ideas Foundation Coronation Generation

Setting the design approach…… Read More

Sphere NbS Unpacked guide

Explaining climate resilience in humanitarian action…… Read More

Dispatches from a Small World

Three years. 648 sketches. One blog… … Read More

Sphere: HSP website

Picturing standards… Read More


For 26 Inspirations at the Bloomsbury Festival… Read More

River Draw

Looking through sketching… Read More

Investing in the future

Kusuma Trust annual review… Read More

Next Generation – Bowen Craggs & Co

It all started with listening…… Read More

Canon x Ideas Foundation

A storytelling toolkit…… Read More

Spitalfields City Farm

An array of communications…… Read More

Bruce Castle Museum & Archive

A place full of stories…… Read More

Studio snack

A podcast collaboration… … Read More

Design thinking for Ideas Foundation

The value of creative process…… Read More

Kusuma Trust annual review

A wide format for big stories…… Read More

DGGS Past Pupils and Staff

Joining up generations…… Read More

The Salters’ Company annual review

Emerging into a new world…… Read More

26 Habitats

Drawing for writing… Read More


Investigative drawing…… Read More

Dispatches – a brand story

Designing for versatility…… Read More

Venture Thinking

New adventures for an education brand…… Read More

Chronos Couture

Designing-in knowledge…… Read More

Newham LGBT+ History Month

An identity about identity…… Read More

Everyday Art

An online workshop for Crisis…… Read More

Wall graphics meet webinars

Adaptable design for Bowen Craggs…… Read More

Project Snow

Bringing the human to a digital Christmas…… Read More

Ideas Foundation behind-the-scenes

Small interventions: big difference…… Read More

Trampery drawing sessions

Drawing as respite… … Read More

Transforming education

Stories of change…… Read More

St Margaret’s House and East London Cares

Doily and emulsion paint, anyone?… Read More

The Salters’ Company

Salt savours all…… Read More

Kusuma Trust

An editorial approach for an annual review…… Read More


Evolving reports…… Read More

A Very Stokey Christmas

Illustrating the high street… Read More

Rocket Science brand review

Communicating in a new orbit… Read More

The Bowen Craggs Conference

Speedy sketching for an animated event… Read More

Space to Earth Challenge

An actual launch date… Read More

Apostrophe (booklet fanned, by Lydia Thornley)
Apostrophe – a studio book

From Greece to Greengrocers… Read More

Catwalk Dogwalk Whistle (stacked copies)
Catwalk Dogwalk Whistle

The cut of a community’s gib… Read More

Hair Lines exhibition

Hair illustrations in a hair salon… Read More