CPD with a view

My sketchbook tour of The Trampery’s co-working sites has brought new industry friends and contacts – including Box Of Prints at Trampery Republic, who got in touch about their print and prosecco night of stencil screenprinting. For the 4th of July workshop, we had the constraint of only being able to … Read More

Growing a graphic language

Compost-shovelling: I like the menial jobs at east London community garden Abbey Gardens. But I also volunteer communications skills for the blog and in making graphics, these for event publicity. I have the freedom to experiment that gives me a testing ground for ideas and for developing my graphic language. … Read More

In the press: Hackney magazine

Should you be a Hackney person, flip through the glossy pages of Hackney magazine and you will find me (or at least, me in drawing form) on the inside back cover. This drawing was done as I headed out of the studio into the Olympic Park. I was so quick … Read More

Playtime at Clerkenwell Design Week

Making time to play is an important thing in design practice. That was my excuse to go along to paper company Fedrigoni’s fringe event at Clerkenwell Design week, where I managed to participate in two workshops at once. Drawing being my way of looking, I took a visual note of … Read More


PDF editions of some of my studio books and colouring books. London places with Christmassy names. £ free DOWNLOAD From my talk for Nerd Nite London. £ free DOWNLOAD Fashion on the London commute. £ free DOWNLOAD

[Template] Standard Page (1x Image and Text) Hello World

Heading (h2) This is standard paragraph text. I’m a sub-heading (h3) This is also standard paragraph text. This is also standard paragraph text. It is usually a good idea to ensure that there is a link at the end of any particular page, thereby increasing the chance of a visitor … Read More


Clients I work with clients in enterprise, education, charities, NGOs and public sector organisations. Here, some of them talk about what they do and how we’ve worked together: What does Kusuma Trust do? Kusuma Trust is a family-led trust making philanthropic investments in causes, organisations and people that are making a … Read More

[Template] Client

[Client Name] Client profile What does [Client Name] do? … What did getting me involved do for the annual reviews? … See examples of work for this client

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