120 and counting

Why personal projects matter…  I’m a big fan of making my own work as well as work for clients. Why? Well, think of it as an R&D playground. At the start of the London lockdown, working from home, I decided to report from my garden in place of my daily … Read More

Drawing with linguine

Why mucking about matters… Art. It’s one of the things keeping us going in the current crisis. But people don’t necessarily have a room-full of art materials – so in my lunchtime workshop for The Trampery, I wanted to show how to get creative with stuff we happen to have around … Read More


Deliberations on distance… With announcements due on review of the two metre social distancing rule, here’s something to help you in the meantime. Or not. In a new collaboration with three co-working compadres (news on that soon), we set ourselves a theme to think about and discuss: two metres. So … Read More

Joined-up drawing

I bring the same curious-minded approach to illustration as I do to design.  So when I was asked to run a Zoom workshop on flower drawing for East End WI, we found ourselves looking at – well – looking! Drawing a flower is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with it and … Read More

Space to look

What colour is a leaf? No, really what colour is it? Always-on, constantly-distracted modern working life often leaves us able to do no more than settle on things for seconds before moving on. So my World Mental Health Day creative wellbeing workshop for The Trampery on the Gantry focuses on … Read More

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