Drawing as respite...
The Trampery, a London-based social enterprise that delivers workspaces and accelerator programmes for entrepreneurs, works hard to look after the wellbeing of its members.
As part of this activity, I’ve run several drawing workshops for The Trampery that aren’t really about drawing…
The first, pre-pandemic, was a lunchtime session at The Trampery on the Gantry on looking through drawing, a few minutes’ screen break enjoying the colours and shapes in flowers and foliage I’d brought in from my garden.
In the first lockdown, I ran a Draw Your Snack workshop. That involved drawing but as importantly, a chance to chat, about just how odd our food cravings and store cupboard shopping had become.
My third workshop involved drawing with linguine (I am not making this up) – the point being to discover art materials we didn’t know we had that were around us at home. It freed us all up to experiment, play and have a laugh in challenging times.
Ever sensitive to its community’s needs, for the second lockdown, The Trampery has shifted to content that members can watch on demand. And for that, I’ve been interviewed by Trampery Fish Island Village house manager Patrick Scally for a video podcast on the benefits of a sketchbook state of mind. More about that on the blog.