Free-range Friday

This year, there’s a new rhythm to the week. My studio days are Monday to Thursday; the fifth day of the working week is Free-range Friday, earmarked for personal work and exploration. So what goes on, on these days resolutely away from a desk? Well, like the best sort of … Read More

The international hedgehog of cheese

Here at the studio there’s work for and with clients, there are personal projects and there are the things that are part lab, part playground. Studio Snack, a food podcast about design, started when fellow designer Narcis Sauleda and I kept having conversations over coffee that we wished we’d recorded. … Read More

What does a layout sound like?

Accessibility. Reverse engineering it into existing materials is a challenge. But in a project modifying PDF publications designed for long-term client Bowen Craggs, it’s also changed how I think about layout. As someone who loves words and visual communication equally, I’ve found it fascinating to have to consider for the … Read More

Insights on design from a four-legged studio mate

Studio Snack is a monthly food podcast about design, made with creative collaborator Narcis Sauleda. In our latest episode, we ask a four-legged studio mate how dogs choose snacks, we find dog treat history in our creative neighbourhood and we consider who packaging is actually for. Listen to Studio Snacks … Read More

Digital, analogue, digital

It’s called a linen tester… They were made for the textile industry and repurposed by designers and printers for checking proofs and print. I have a newer one but I reach for this, my late Dad’s, because it’s good, and true, and it has the heft of a proper piece of engineering. What … Read More

A snack with a twist

Pretzels… In this month’s Studio Snack podcast, creative collaborator Narcis Sauleda and I bring you some fast facts about a slowly-made snack. But for all their twisty history, what this was really about was comparing the knotty processes of pretzel-making and design. Attempting to bake pretzels, I found out what … Read More

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