The edit

I love a good clearout. I’m the daughter of an artist-designer who turned his own into an event – canvases would be ripped; pots smashed; bonfires piled high; work buried in the meadow at the end of the garden. One day, archaeologists will ponder the rituals that these might have … Read More

Edible colours

“Held in lime, dipped in pink.” That was one of my notes as I made a colour swatch of a daisy. Why? Well, for our Studio Snack episode on edible flowers, because colour is what they so often bring to a dish, my creative experiment looked at that by way … Read More

Show, tell, learn

In a guest lecture for postgraduate students at Loughborough University London’s Creative Research and Innovation Centre, I’ve talked about how working in East London creative clusters has shaped my practice. Sketch-mapping my story, I’ve seen just how much geography has played a part in the work I’ve done, the broadening … Read More

What does a layout sound like?

Accessibility. Reverse engineering it into existing materials is a challenge. But in a project modifying PDF publications designed for long-term client Bowen Craggs, it’s also changed how I think about layout. As someone who loves words and visual communication equally, I’ve found it fascinating to have to consider for the … Read More

Getting our heads into a brainstorm

I was looking for a milliners’ head, a prop for a brainstorm. The only ones I could find were proper grown-up milliners’ equipment, which is, quite rightly, expensive because it’s beautifully made, or plastic. So I invented a flatpack one that could slot together and made some out of waste … Read More

Turning up

For Bowen Craggs & Co, a pair of video backdrops. A surprising amount of work goes in to making something simple, for seated and standing use (Enthusiastic arm-waving in a test video, anyone?) that also works when the room is in use as an office and meets a range of … Read More

Behind the scenes at the museum

I could just answer the brief… There’s a venerable oak in Bruce Castle Park that I’ve drawn over the course of designing a visual identity for Bruce Castle Museum & Archive in Tottenham and returning as a visitor and a researcher. It’s been just part of growing my knowledge about this … Read More

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