Grow your own snack

The alpine strawberries and cherry tomatoes I grow in my urban garden rarely make it indoors. I eat them like sweets. So Grow your own snack is the latest Studio Snack podcast episode with creative collaborator Narcis Sauleda. Harvest a snack, pour a cold drink and listen to historical trends … Read More


Behind the scenes My preparatory work for Breather, my piece for 26 Inspirations, part of the Bloomsbury Festival, started with several sketchwalks. I know the route well but it was considerably bendier than it was in my imagination of a linear drawing… And then there was rain. Biro is wonderfully … Read More

Products from projects

The Christmas gift guide… Two of this year’s projects have generated large bodies of illustration work: 26 Habitats and my lockdown project turned illustration blog Dispatches from a Small World. So “What else can we do with these?” questions have come up. Et voilà: Christmas cards from my Dispatches from … Read More

Collective to collection

26 Pledges in print… 26 Habitats and 26 Pledges have seen writers’ organisation 26 producing daily posts of beautiful writing in support of endangered UK habitats, in partnership with The Wildlife Trusts. It’s been a huge collective effort, for which I’ve sketched and illustrated places and species. We’ve found ourselves with … Read More

26Habitats – sketches for centenas

26 is a not-for-profit organisation for writers and anyone who believes in the power of words. Which includes me – words are part of my creative work and my ideas process. Its creative projects bring together multiple writers to focus on a particular theme. Following its hugely successful 26Wild project … Read More

Dispatches from a Small World

The lockdown project lives… A prolific filer of sketchbooks, time was when I would draw my commute to and from my desk space. But at the start of the first lockdown, local parks full of ‘keep moving’ signs, I couldn’t even draw on my daily exercise walk. So I decided … Read More