Nominative determinism and working with writers

Fit for the job...

As COP26 starts, 26 Habitats and its follow-on, 26 Pledges, a creative collaboration between 26 and the Wildlife Trusts, hands over to 26 Habitats New Zealand, where writers, each with a different artist, are working in partnership with Forest and Bird. So I get a chance to draw breath and look back at the enormous project that has been illustrating and sketching the UK habitats.

Working with writers is always a privilege. I get to look at the world in new ways. Now, I’ve been given a fresh look at my own natural habitat. I’ve always given my country childhood credit for my love of drawing in, and about, nature – but in a meeting about what we’re going to do with the illustrations, it’s been pointed out that my surname is handy for that too…