Dispatches in Sublime magazine

What can a garden teach us? In times of restriction, what can a garden teach us? Born in the stillness of lockdown, my illustration project Dispatches from a Small World has been documenting the growing season in over 200 sketches. In a feature for sustainable lifestyle magazine Sublime, I write … Read More

Wearing the t-shirt

How personal projects help clients… In a flurry of activity very much of these times, my lockdown illustration project turned blog Dispatches from a Small World has sprouted a Teemill shop. It’s launched with two collections of illustrations, printed on demand on organic cotton t-shirts. So far, so peripheral. Or … Read More

On being a human

Humans of Here East… I co-work at The Trampery on the Gantry, at innovation and technology campus Here East, formerly the press centre for the 2012 Olympics. Interviewed for its impact report case study on responses to the pandemic, I’ve been talking about the value of having brains to pick, … Read More

26Habitats – sketches for centenas

26 is a not-for-profit organisation for writers and anyone who believes in the power of words. Which includes me – words are part of my creative work and my ideas process. Its creative projects bring together multiple writers to focus on a particular theme. Following its hugely successful 26Wild project … Read More

Reportage sketching, nosiness and chipolata fingers

A blogpost about a blogpost… Photographer, collaborator and Trampery compadre JC Candanedo blogs. Properly. Articles, interviews with people, that sort of thing. So I was delighted when he asked me if I’d join him in conversation for a blogpost. Answering questions often answers questions because I have to unpick my … Read More

Dispatches from a Small World

The lockdown project lives… A prolific filer of sketchbooks, time was when I would draw my commute to and from my desk space. But at the start of the first lockdown, local parks full of ‘keep moving’ signs, I couldn’t even draw on my daily exercise walk. So I decided … Read More

2020: 20:20

Weird year: new insights…  Well, 2020… over here, the entire pattern of studio life was thrown into disarray. But I was brought up by parents who had to adapt countless times, decades before pivoting was a thing. So in the silence of the first lockdown, I started rearranging things. New … Read More

Sealed with a sprout

A Christmas colouring book… In the first London lockdown, inspired by a conversation about people taking solace from colouring in, I turned line elements of my drawings and illustrations into free, downloadable colouring books. Inspired by volunteering last Christmas for Crisis, a UK charity helping the homeless, I’ve designed a … Read More

A sketchbook state of mind

In conversation with The Trampery… I’m never without a sketchbook. Drawing, for me, is a way of looking at things, noticing things – and in those moments of watching, there has been respite from the relentless news and the restrictions of the pandemic. I’ve been chatting about that with Patrick Scally … Read More

Drawing with linguine

Why mucking about matters… Art. It’s one of the things keeping us going in the current crisis. But people don’t necessarily have a room-full of art materials – so in my lunchtime workshop for The Trampery, I wanted to show how to get creative with stuff we happen to have around … Read More

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