On National Illustration Day

Thanks to clients who saw uses for my loose, gestural drawing before I did, what started by accident through a studio booklet about drawing as part of my design practice, has become a thing in its own right. Here, clockwise from top left: A staff portrait wall at Bowen Craggs … Read More

On show

My sketching work is on location, on communications and in discussions. But this Summer, it’s also on show – at three East London exhibitions… Three giclée prints from my project Dispatches from a Small World have been in Newham Kaleidoscope, a showcase of over 80 works by 40 artists. The exhibition … Read More

Visual refreshment

We’re busy… There’s a lot to do. Even in the creative industry, taking a break in the working day can feel impossible. We even apologise for it (or maybe that’s just me…). But leading a lunchtime sketchwalk for The Trampery on the Gantry, I encouraged chat about what getting outdoors … Read More

Making an effort

“How does Lydia do this!”… It’s always a delight when a client enjoys the work from a live sketching commission, here, an assignment for long-time client Ideas Foundation covering the Disrupt Space exhibition at The Department Store, Brixton. And this time, my client Heather’s comment set off a stock-take of … Read More

Dispatches in Sublime magazine

What can a garden teach us? In times of restriction, what can a garden teach us? Born in the stillness of lockdown, my illustration project Dispatches from a Small World has been documenting the growing season in over 200 sketches. In a feature for sustainable lifestyle magazine Sublime, I write … Read More

26Habitats – sketches for centenas

26 is a not-for-profit organisation for writers and anyone who believes in the power of words. Which includes me – words are part of my creative work and my ideas process. Its creative projects bring together multiple writers to focus on a particular theme. Following its hugely successful 26Wild project … Read More

Reportage sketching, nosiness and chipolata fingers

A blogpost about a blogpost… Photographer, collaborator and Trampery compadre JC Candanedo blogs. Properly. Articles, interviews with people, that sort of thing. So I was delighted when he asked me if I’d join him in conversation for a blogpost. Answering questions often answers questions because I have to unpick my … Read More

A tiny challenge

Reporting in miniature… My late father and I had a standing joke: that his ideal scale to work at was the size of a building and mine was the size of a postage stamp. So he’d be laughing like a drain that I answered The Correspondence Collective’s open call for … Read More

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