
Dispatches from a Small World

The lockdown project lives… A prolific filer of sketchbooks, time was when I would draw my commute to and from my desk space. But at the start of the first lockdown, local parks full of ‘keep moving’ signs, I couldn’t even draw on my daily exercise walk. So I decided … Read More

Kitchen ink

Adventures in natural colour… It all started when Cordwainers Dye wanted to join in with an activity I had designed for East End WI joining up drawing with embroidery. In turn, I took part in their bundle-dyeing workshop. And so, a conversation started about colour. Experiments with natural inks are … Read More

A tiny challenge

Reporting in miniature… My late father and I had a standing joke: that his ideal scale to work at was the size of a building and mine was the size of a postage stamp. So he’d be laughing like a drain that I answered The Correspondence Collective’s open call for … Read More

From workshop to R&D

Creating connection… In Spring 2020, in the first coronavirus lockdown, I ran a workshop for East End WI, using plant drawing to connect women who drew with women who embroidered. Fashion-focused growing and making project Cordwainers Dye picked it up on Instagram and asked if they could embroider a piece. … Read More

STEAM and steam

From invention to creativity… My practice runs on curiosity. I work with some fascinating science clients and project partners and some of them have been involved in the SunSpaceArt STEAM festival (science, technology, engineering, art and maths) so I’ve dropped in to talks during the day. But when I think … Read More

2020: 20:20

Weird year: new insights…  Well, 2020… over here, the entire pattern of studio life was thrown into disarray. But I was brought up by parents who had to adapt countless times, decades before pivoting was a thing. So in the silence of the first lockdown, I started rearranging things. New … Read More

Sealed with a sprout

A Christmas colouring book… In the first London lockdown, inspired by a conversation about people taking solace from colouring in, I turned line elements of my drawings and illustrations into free, downloadable colouring books. Inspired by volunteering last Christmas for Crisis, a UK charity helping the homeless, I’ve designed a … Read More

A sketchbook state of mind

In conversation with The Trampery… I’m never without a sketchbook. Drawing, for me, is a way of looking at things, noticing things – and in those moments of watching, there has been respite from the relentless news and the restrictions of the pandemic. I’ve been chatting about that with Patrick Scally … Read More

A Great East End sketchwalk

A flâneuse with a sketchbook… I am never without a sketchbook. Most walks turn into sketchwalks as I spot interesting stories or places on my way. So signing up for the St Joseph’s Hospice Great East End Walk, I hand-bound a sketchbook, filled it with the walk’s landmarks and a … Read More

Reservoirs of knowledge

The value of wandering… All of my creative practice is driven by a curious mind. So every trip, every meeting, every errand presents opportunities to learn and explore along the way, whether on travels as a pre-Covid flâneuse or now, locally. Marvellously-useful though online research is, I know what I’m … Read More

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