
Home work

We’re seeing a lot more of each other’s interiors these days. So though I’ve found out how to blue-screen my background for Zoom workshops, I decided that the pictures in my studio at home should be more – well – expressive. And curating this set has been surprisingly illuminating. Clockwise from … Read More

Business unusual

Well, this is weird. Workspace swapped for work-from-home, deserted streets, food shortages, heightened spatial awareness… But designers are adaptable creatures. Agile thinking is part of what we do. We have ideas, we brainstorm, explore alternatives, test, adapt and refine. We spend a lot of time asking the question, “Why?” – but … Read More

Where’s Ethel?

Type. On a comedy stage… I’ve been talking about lost letters from the English alphabet at Nerd Nite London, a monthly night of short talks for charity at the Backyard Comedy Club in East London. It’s been my third Nerd (more about the other two here), an opportunity to research … Read More

Kochi Design Week

Discussion, collaboration and ideas in Kerala… Working with NGOs and educators, I’ve cropped countless pictures of India – but speaking at Kochi Design Week has been my first visit. It’s been a mind-expanding few days of discussion, collaboration and ideas across a wide range of creative disciplines. I’ve joined a panel … Read More

Space to look

What colour is a leaf? No, really what colour is it? Always-on, constantly-distracted modern working life often leaves us able to do no more than settle on things for seconds before moving on. So my World Mental Health Day creative wellbeing workshop for The Trampery on the Gantry focuses on … Read More

Accidental beauty

Discoveries in bookbinding… “Do you notice anything?”, my friend Carolyn said as she handed me a gift of a secondhand book. I flipped through its beautiful two-colour illustrations and elegant typography… and then felt a fold on the outer edge – and it wasn’t intentional. The foreedge of the book was … Read More

New: digital drawing

Line on to online… My project processes are designed around my clients. So for the Bowen Craggs Conference in Berlin, for online usability I decided to add digital drawing to my live sketching skills. I expected to find it clunky – I use a stylus and tablet in the studio, … Read More

Creative exploring: Berlin

I love being a flâneuse in a foreign city. And ahead of a live sketching commission, I had a perfect excuse to explore the creative and cultural life of Berlin. Highlights were the Buchstabenmuseum, a museum of rescued signage, the Museum of Things, which looks at the Deutsche Werkbund and … Read More

CPD with a view

My sketchbook tour of The Trampery’s co-working sites has brought new industry friends and contacts – including Box Of Prints at Trampery Republic, who got in touch about their print and prosecco night of stencil screenprinting. For the 4th of July workshop, we had the constraint of only being able to … Read More

Growing a graphic language

Compost-shovelling: I like the menial jobs at east London community garden Abbey Gardens. But I also volunteer communications skills for the blog and in making graphics, these for event publicity. I have the freedom to experiment that gives me a testing ground for ideas and for developing my graphic language. … Read More

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