Free-range Friday

This year, there’s a new rhythm to the week. My studio days are Monday to Thursday; the fifth day of the working week is Free-range Friday, earmarked for personal work and exploration. So what goes on, on these days resolutely away from a desk? Well, like the best sort of … Read More

On National Illustration Day

Thanks to clients who saw uses for my loose, gestural drawing before I did, what started by accident through a studio booklet about drawing as part of my design practice, has become a thing in its own right. Here, clockwise from top left: A staff portrait wall at Bowen Craggs … Read More

Making for sketching

Doing prep for sketching at events, I like to consider context. So for a party at Trampery Fish Island Village, a campus for fashion, innovation and sustainability, I made swing tags from waste, spare supplies and offcuts. This is where my multi-stranded creative practice comes in. But it also uses … Read More

Getting my eye in

A recce. On foot. With a sketchbook. Surely not, when the brief is to produce a simple sketch map and we have search engines? Well, it’s not as overdone as it seems… There’s good practice – I can’t use an image for illustration reference that may be in copyright. And there’s … Read More

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