The Salters’ Company annual review 2021/22

In person...

Showing an organisation’s work in action is central to the design of any annual review. And after a challenging period over the pandemic of online and hybrid activities, events where people get to meet and learn together are appreciated all the more.

This year, The Salters’ Company has had a rich resource of pictures of its people, places and events. Its work with young people has been at the heart of its stories and is the theme of this year’s annual review. For continuity and economy, we’ve used the over-all design framework of last year’s annual review.

But designing the annual review is also about the bits you don’t see – the intricate work around people, processes, production, events calendars and this year, with an editor working overseas, time zones as well. This is the bit where experience comes in – of how things work, of how long tasks take, of what is flexible and what needs time to be the best that it can be.

And all that work behind the scenes has been worth it: The Salters’ Company has reported “a lot of very positive feedback”, with people thoroughly enjoying reading it.

This is my third annual review for The Salters' Company. Read more here on last year's annual review.