Buscuits and by-products

A mockup of bookmark shaped packaging for Bourbon biscuits and two deadline-related photomontages turning biscuits into buses with rolls of tape as wheels

Buscuit. No, that’s not a typo. Well, it was, until someone taking part in some sketch engagement I was doing at Cody Dock wrote it (biscuit being one of those words it’s surprisingly tricky to remember how to spell) and we decided that it should not just be a word but a thing…

…and now, this being a month when many people are in transit, it’s the theme for the latest episode of Studio Snack, my collaborative podcast with Narcis Sauleda.

Our podcast always has a snack, some nerdery and a creative experiment. This month, as I use a long bus journey as an opportunity to read, I designed suitable packaging for buscuits. And while I was doing that, I had another idea, linked with deadlines.

There’s a theme here: ideas as by-products.

Whenever I’ve been commissioning, I’ve always tried to allow space for those diversions of creativity. Then, with open-minded people right the way through a project, there’s the potential to choose something that wasn’t what we asked for – but is exactly what we need.

Listen to the episode here.